Italian Idiomatic Expressions

Dalle stelle alle stalle!

Dalle stelle alle stalle!

Literal: from the stars to the stable
English: from hero to zero

Essere la pupilla

Essere la pupilla

Literal: To be the pupil
English: Apple of my eye

In culo alla balena

In culo alla balena

Literal: In the bottom (bum) of the whale
English: Good luck, break a leg

In bocca al lupo

In bocca al lupo

Literal: In the mouth of the wolf (the reply would be - Che crepi - he shall die!)
English: Break a leg 

Acqua in bocca

Acqua in bocca

Literal: Water in the mouth
English: Keep Mum, Mums the word

Tagliamo la testa al toro

Tagliamo la testa al toro

Literal: Lets cut the head of the bull
English: Lets just get this over with. Lets nip this in the bud

Non piangere sul latte versato

Non piangere sul latte versato

Literal: Dont cry over spilt milk
English: Dont cry over spilt milk

Non fasciamoci la testa prima di essercela rotta

Non fasciamoci la testa prima di essercela rotta

Literal: Bandage your head before breaking it
English: Let's not get ahead of ourselves

Avere le scatole piene

Avere le scatole piene

Literal: Have boxes full
English: Had enough, sick to death, sick of it

Affogare in un bicchier d'acqua

Affogare in un bicchier d'acqua

Literal: Drowning in a glass of water
English: To make a mountain out of a molehill

Tirrare il pacco

Tirrare il pacco

Literal: to throw or pull a parcel
English: Stand someone up (avoid a prearranged meeting)

Prendere due piccioni con una fava

Prendere due piccioni con una fava

Literal: Take two pigeons with one broad bean
English: Kill two birds with one stone

L'abito non fa il monaco

L'abito non fa il monaco

Literal: The cloth does not make the monk
English version : Don't judge a book by its cover

Tanto va la gatta al lardo che chi lascia lo zampino

Tanto va la gatta al lardo che chi lascia lo zampino

Literal: The cat goes to the lard so much it loses her paws
English version : Curiosity killed the cat

Tirare le cuoio

Tirare le cuoio

Literal: Pull the skin
English version : kick the bucket, bite the dust, 


Non puoi avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca

Non puoi avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca

Literally – You can’t have a full wine barrel and a drunk wife
English version: You can't have your cake and eat it too